COVID Safety Guideleines
We want to thank you for all your patience and support through these unprecedented times. Please take the time to read this letter in its entirety as it will lay out very necessary guidelines to keep us all safe. The complete focus for us is the health and safety of our team, you, our guests, and our community.
Mask will be required for stylists and guests. You must have it over your mouth and nose before entering the building.
You must wear a mask that goes around your ears. If you don’t have a mask we will have one for you.
Please stay at home if you feel ill at all or if someone in your home is ill or if you have been tested or someone in your home is awaiting a test result. We will reschedule you.
No children appointments for children that can not wear a mask for the entire duration of their appointment.
Please enter through the FRONT DOOR if possible.
A COVID-19 Screening and Liability Waiver will be required.
We will continue to individually sanitize every touch point and tool in between each guest.
Beverage bar will be temporarily unavailable. Please bring drinks if needed.
No facial waxing except for eyebrows
Limited beard trimming.